think she should have said that...
Sheesh mom... did you see that hat? I expected her to lift off any moment...
You're right mom... you can never have too much banana cake or
coke on ice...
Mom rides shotgun when I'm tooling around town. And I'm talking about the "stylin" mom, the "girlfriend" mom you bounce ideas off, the one in a photo from 1940 striding arm-in-arm down the street with her girlfriends, her quirky smile in full bloom, ready to reek havoc on the unsuspecting.
It's usually when I'm deep in thought that she makes a point of speaking up.
I nod, I smile, I pretend to agree.
I absolutely love to hear her take on things. It gives my life perspective.
You know Kris... if that woman would just stand straight and swing her hips a little she'd look five years younger and ten pounds lighter by the time she reaches the mall door...
You know Kris... every woman has an arsenal. It's not her looks it's her wits. And honey, they can be lethal if need be.
Mom died a few years ago. But she is with me every single day. So when you see that lady next to you at the stoplight who is laughing like crazy or talking to herself. Don't get nervous, it's just me and my mom, ready to reek havoc on the unsuspecting.