So it's Sunday morning and I'm going to get ahead of it today.
I'm out mowing at 9am (earliest respectable time to do it, right?). Then on to a little gardening when I determine that the rabbits have just about rendered my Hostas nonexistent.
No problem, I bought some stuff last fall that the garden center guy PROMISED would repel the critters.
I just never got around to using it.
I spray the hostas, day lilies, columbine... heck I spray just about every emerging plant I can find.
And being on the roll that I am I decide to go get some more flowers to plant.
The place is packed!!
But as I walk among the bedding plants I notice no one is crowding me.
In fact are people actually steering clear of me?
(maybe this would be a good time to mention my allergies have been acting up and I can't smell a thing?)
Lesson learned...
Just why is that rabbit repellent so effective? The main ingredient is Fox urine you say?
Yes, that awful urine/poop fragrance IS coming from the overspray on my shoes.
Enough said.