Tuesday, October 18

Thigh Pad

Been looking for a new ribbon for my Thigh Pad.

{Remington Streamline Portable Typewriter}

Maybe I'm sliding backwards? Isn't there supposed to be a whole "smart" era going on right now? 
But I feel myself inexplicably drawn to objects that just do one thing.

No search, no apps, no music, no camera.
No software to install and then update over and over.

Remember your first computer? (Mine had a 500 mb hard drive and I thought the storage was endless?) 
But right away I added a program that made every keystroke sound like you were striking a typewriter key 
and hitting the return rang a bell because I simply couldn't get into the rhythm of typing in quiet. I missed the noise. 

So yea, maybe it's the the "steam punk" in me but objects that just do one thing are so cool. 
They're simple, no box of attachments to store or boring manuals to read. 
Simple is getting harder and harder to find.

My stand mixer can whip up icing, knead bread and make pasta. My mower bags, mulches or does side-discharge. My phone, well my phone is only a semi-smart but it can still call, text, game and play music. 

All this can make decision time pretty difficult. What to own, which to buy, how to use.

The Remington chooses for me. On those days when I am overwhelmed it lets me just write. 
It puts down words and ideas that come from me... just words at the speed of thought. 
No spell check so by golly I CAN make use of that "A" in my 5th grade spelling.

Now if I can just find that new ribbon...

Friday, October 14

Surgical Strike of Purging Unused Items!

[AKA - hauling stuff off to Goodwill]
[AKA - posting it on Craig's List]

I've come to the conclusion I either need more bins or less stuff. And after watching the 
"Hoarders; Buried Alive" marathon last weekend, I am opting for less stuff.

I watch those shows like some people watch slasher movies. Hands over my eyes moaning 
"NO, NO, NO... Don't look in the shed!"

Not that my stuff comes anywhere close to what's on the show. Plus my house isn't overrun 
by hundreds of mice/bugs/cats/etc. So why does it bother me?

Because it drives me crazy to know I have something I need and not be able to put 
my hands on it. Or decide to work on a project and the space is totally unusable.

Last year I completely tore up my basement due to plumbing problems. One thing leads 
to another and now what was once an organized, useful, fun to be in art studio morphed 
into several dozen bins of every shape and size taking up residence in half of my garage 
and a grouping of work tables and files jammed along one wall.


Now when I watch "Hoaders" that little slip of fear creeps in that whispers, 
"Is this how they started?" 

So any bets on what I'm doing this fall? 
Yep, you guessed it.