I am way too old to be chased around the exam room by a nurse with a needle.
I can laugh with the best of them when regaled with stories of teenage girls hiding under their coats
or how they had to drag the star athlete out from under the desk by their foot to give college-bound immunizations.
But I gotta say, when the doctor told me a shot would help me get over a sinus infection my immediate response was, "with a needle?"
Now I know where the phrase "slap them silly" began. That is exactly what I wanted to do when I looked over to see the doctor and nurse trying hard to keep straight faces.
It took all my "adultness" to, oh so casually, stand and offer the requested part of my anatomy.
I waited and waited after she swabbed my skin and then finally belted out "Just do it already!"
Looking over my shoulder I saw them snickering. It was already done. And I had just become the latest exam room comedy sketch.
Okay... next time they can just chase me.