Friday, June 17

Sugar Rush

Growing up there was always sweet tea. We never called it that because with parents who hailed from 
The South, there was no other kind but sweet.

I loved it when my folks would have guests over. Like a good little hostess I would offer iced tea, then 
stand and watch purely for the pleasure of seeing their eyes get wide as the sugar rush enveloped them.

Take that Nebraska!

Never made sweet tea before you say? Well here's how:

Sweet Tea (makes 2 quarts)
Fill small saucepan 1/2 full of water and bring to a boil.
Remove from burner and immediately drop in 6 regular (3 family) sized tea bags.
   (Never boil tea, it gets bitter) Set aside to steep for five minutes.
Fill your pitcher 1/4 full of cold water.
Add 3/4 sugar, then add the hot tea. (Adding hot tea directly to sugar can make it taste scorched) 
Stir to dissolve sugar then finish filling pitcher with cold water.
Enjoy over ice.