Wednesday, November 17

Door knob issues

Why yes, there is a knotted towel in place of a door knob in the bath at work. 
Why you ask? Possibly due to the fact that I WAS TRAPPED in there due 
to a faulty door knob? OMG it took 1/2 hour to get me out. 
Thank gosh I wasn't a client :O

My first thought was, no problem, I'll take out the hinge pins. 
A teeny tiny screwdriver the size of a pen was the ONLY tool that would slide under the door so I could remove the hinge pins which were, sadly enough, 
inset into the door moulding which I also had to remove to get at pins 
which were also securely painted in place. 
(just what did the previous owners use this bath as - Fort Knox?) 

BUT with the help of my trusty micro screwdriver and a can of hairspray I was able to defeat the evil door. Oh wait, that would have happened if the door hadn't been too tight for the space so it still had to be kicked it in to get me out. 

And I'm not even getting into how ineffective a can of hairspray is as a hammer. Note to self: Stash small sets of tools in every room!

Oh, and the knotted towel? 
Well of course we removed the broken door handle and no way I was using 
that room for its intended purpose with a golf ball size peep hole.